Livret musical pour enfants


An interactive, multi-sensory opera for people with special needs.


  • People with specific needs

Time period

Summer 2022

Supported by

André Losch Fondation.

FluppdiFipps was conceived with a view to being adapted to the abilities and needs of people with multiple mental, physical and autistic disabilities. Participants attended the play written by Martine Wallenborn and presented by the musicians: Annemie Osborne, Stephan Kinsch, Jonas Malfiet, Chantal Kirsch, Rebecca Van Bogaert and Martine Wallenborn.

The program includes:

- Rehearsal on 20.03

- School performance on 21.03 at 9:30 and 11:00 am

- School performance on 22.03 at 9:30 and 11:00 am

– Public performance on 23.03 at 11h00

Ein paar Fragen an... Martine Wallenborn

See also

“Musek zougänglech maachen fir Leit mat Beanträchtegung“, with Martine Wellenborn.