Thibault Engel


Thibault ENGEL graduated with top honours in classical percussion from the Conservatoire du Luxembourg with Emmanuel Séjourné. 
He completed his studies in orchestra, jazz drums and djembe at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague in the Netherlands with Luuk Nagtegaal, Ali, Fedor Teunisse, Hans Zonderop and Eric Ineke.
After taking part in a number of competitions in the Netherlands, including the Almere Kamermuziek Competition and the IPCL, International Percussions Competition in Luxembourg, he won 1st Prize at the Grachtenfestival Competition in Amsterdam with the percussion group Davai Percussions. 
Since 2014, Thibault ENGEL has devoted himself to teaching at the UGDA School of Music and pursuing his artistic path with jazz bands where he performs as a drummer and vibraphonist.