Trio d'artistes jouant du violon, de l'accordéon et de la contre basse dans un musée


As part of an exceptional artistic project, the Villa Vauban is opening its doors to a unique collaboration driven by the magic of music and creativity.


  • People with specific needs
  • People with a medical condition

Time period

June - July 2024


Annemie Osborne.

Supported by

Arcelor Mittal.

A spectacular moment at Villa Vauban

At the heart of this project, the group Klangkarussel joins forces with two talented artists, Annemie Osborne on cello and Amèle Meltini on violin, to offer an immersive and enriching experience.

But it's not just a concert that's taking place at Villa Vauban. The children from the Centre de Logopédie had the chance to experience much more than just a visit to a museum. This centre, dedicated to children with hearing and/or language impairments, was invited to take part in this extraordinary project.

Guided by Dadofonic, a professional artistic ensemble combining theatre, visual art and movement, the children were involved in creating the texts to accompany the chosen works. During an interactive workshop, they were able to express their feedback and suggestions, helping to shape authentic and inspiring texts. Together, they worked with passion and determination until the texts were ready to be set to music, accompanied by the gentle sounds of the instruments.

Buoyed by the success of this experiment, we are delighted to announce the third edition of this project, starting in June. If you would like to join us on this exciting adventure, please contact us by e-mail at


Come and take part in this wonderful adventure where music, art and inclusion meet to create unforgettable memories! 🎼✨





