Sylvie Beythan-Ory


In 2007, Sylvie Beythan-Ory left her career in banking communications to embark on the wonderful adventure of storytelling, for the pleasure of words and above all for the love of children and audiences. 
She tells stories in French or German to children in her workshop, to make them laugh, shake their heads, think and dream… She creates a magical atmosphere with music, objects and puppets, in her home, a real "story house", or on stage, in secondary schools, schools, crèches, homes and retirement homes. 
She has worked for the EME foundation since its inception. 
A keen theatre-goer, she has been working with Elisabeth Chuffart for a number of years on shows in theatres and at home, such as "Devos à deux voix", featuring the best sketches by Raymond Devos, and "Game Ovaires", a light-hearted play about the menopause.

Sylvie Beythan-Ory took part in