Stamp EME

An EME stamp generated by Post Luxembourg.

Published on 03 Feb. 24

EME stamp

To celebrate our 15th anniversary, we wanted to mark the occasion like never before. And what better way than to create something innovative and exceptional?

Our digital EME stamp, equipped with a revolutionary QR Code, opens the door to a world of discoveries: projects, concerts and much more are just a scan away on the 12th of every month. It is available on the Post website in the ‘Collectors’ section.

But that's not all! For those who prefer authenticity, our traditional EME stamps are also on sale at the Post Office.

Many thanks to Post Luxembourg for this innovative collaboration and to Myriam Schmit for her unrivalled talent in creating this exceptional design.

The Fondation EME  big event to celebrate its 15th anniversary: the All Together concert at Kinnekswiss on 06.07, which brought together around ten inclusive choirs from all over the country, with 330 singers. It was a wonderful moment to share!

All Together at Kinnekswiss

Umschlag EME Vorgestempelter EME-Umschlag bei den POSTs erhältlich