Music is a universal language. In this spirit, and taking advantage of technological advances, a large instrument, Soundcolors, has been developed to offer a 5-station musical and digital installation that requires no prior knowledge and allows everyone to give free rein to their creativity: the body becomes the creator, playing chords and melodies without false notes.
Installation produced by: Mad Trix
Soundcolors on Tour
Soundcolors was developed with the aim of making music accessible to everyone.
Institutions can reserve the musical and digital installation for one month. Fondation EME will provide one hour of discovery of the instrumentation for the staff in order to let the participants later enjoy a unique musical experience.
Reserve the installation by contacting us by email at contact@fondation-eme.lu
Soundcolors : an inclusive music installation for everybody! - A documentary
Soundcolors meets BAMSS
Summer 2021
Soundcolors meets BAMSS gives young people with disabilities the opportunity to discover electronic music. Led by Brave, the young people have the opportunity to play in jam sessions, discover new electronic instruments and get creative with the installation.
May 2021
From 5 May to 23 May, neimënster and Fondation EME present the musical installation Soundcolors. Soundcolors is a large electronic instrument and consists of 5 different stations where everyone can make music with their body. During the week, workshops are offered for schools and institutions. On weekends, the installation at Sall Nic Klecker is also open to the general public.
A project in collaboration with neimënster.
See also
For 'People with specific needs' & 'Elderly people' & 'Disadvantaged people' & 'People with a medical condition'