Un enfant assis en tailleur sous un drap tendu en l'air

Holiday camps with the Fondation Autisme Luxembourg

Children and teenagers from the Fondation Autisme Luxembourg will be taking part in these musical projects, which explore movement and sound. The projects are: "Klang im Bild" "Swing to the Moon", "Mission Weltall", "Der Klang von Feuer und Wasser", "Wenn der Wind" and "Klangreise".


  • People with specific needs

Time period

2019 - 2024

Find out more about Fondation Autisme Luxembourg

For more than 25 years, FAL has helped more than 100 people with autism and their families. It works in close collaboration with public services and other partners in the community to promote the social inclusion of people living on the margins of society.

Hör mal wie klingt Kunst? „Klang im Bild – Der Kreis„


In the project week ‘Listen to what does art sound like? Sound in the picture – The circle’, we will explore the topic of visual art in connection with sound/music together with the participants of the 2024 holiday colony, their companions and the FAL adult group, in a musical way and in movement. 

In an imaginative way, we explore how a large, soft circle can sound or how many small dots swirling together can form a musical whole. We elicit new sounds and grooves from familiar instruments and everyday objects are analysed for their sounds. 
The participants are addressed in a variety of ways and can participate according to their abilities. Listening and coming to rest are just as important as actively making music and moving around. 

Once again this year, the project will be musically framed by the cello. Participants will experience the instrument up close, listen to selected works that are thematically integrated, make music together with the cello in guided improvisations with percussion and sound instruments and move to its sound. With movement to music, with a swinging cloth, balls and hoops and simple choreographic means, the form of the ‘circle’ is taken up and brought to life. 

 To close the circle, the transfer back to the picture. Here, the participants are given the opportunity to capture what they have experienced through music and movement and to put their impressions on paper. 

In this way, pictures are made to sound and music is conjured back onto the picture. 

Swing to the Moon


Children and teenagers will take part in a musical project on the theme of space and Moon and will set off to discover sounds. The ‘Swing to the Moon’ project offers beneficiaries of the Fondation Autisme Luxembourg the opportunity to take part in a musical and choreographic creation, using their own means of expression.

The discovery of space is a pretext for exploring sounds and movements 'from elsewhere', born of the imagination of the participants, who improvise with instruments and everyday objects to create their own music and move around the space as they wish.
The voice is a key instrument for expressing creativity on this "space mission". Through vocal experiments and the imitation of free phonetic sounds, their own voice and the bodily sensations that accompany it are explored without the barrier of meaning. In this way, feelings and moods can be expressed more easily.

Improvising together on the theme of space, singing together, and playing music as part of sound experiments all help to develop the ability to listen, wait, stand back and adapt. They also help them to feel more at ease in constantly changing situations, to get involved and to be able to express their own ideas.

To round off the project week, a concert is organised for the participants' friends and family.

Mission Weltall


On the way to Space!

In this new project, the children and teenagers of the Fondation Autisme Luxembourg will combine contemporary music and jazz to discover the sun and other planets.

Accompanied by the double bass, the astronauts will give free rein to their imagination to compose by improvising on the play of this beautiful instrument with their percussions.

The aim of the project: to combine calm and listening with music and movement!

Mission Weltall

Der Klang von Feuer und Wasser


Through music and movement, we invite the participants to look at nature from a musical and artistic perspective.

Nature and environmental protection are important and current topics that concern us socially, which is why we would like to focus on nature and its elements. In the holiday colony 2020, we dealt with the elements of earth and air, and in 2021 we would like to follow this up with a focus on the elements of fire and water. Through music and movement, we invite the participants to look at nature from a musical and artistic perspective. Nature as a source of inspiration is the starting point for creating music, to sing and to move. We dive into the world of sounds, noises, tones, melodies and rhythms and explore together how fire sounds or water sounds.

 Regardless of physical or mental abilities, tools for artistic activity are intuitively accessible to everyone. Through the holistic and process-oriented way of working in this project, everyone has the opportunity to participate in their own individual way and with their own individual approach, and to be allowed to express themselves creatively in a variety of ways, no matter what special needs or communication channels are present.

Wenn der Wind


The project "Wenn der Wind" is a participatory music project for people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their carers as part of the Autumn Summer Camp 2020.

Nature as a currently important social topic has prompted us to focus on nature in this year's project. Through music and movement, we invite the participants to look at nature from a musical-artistic point of view. Nature as a source of inspiration is the starting point for creating music, singing and movement. In order to circle the project thematically, we focus on the elements earth and air.



The project "Klangreise" is a participative music project for people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their accompanying persons as part of the holiday colony in autumn 2019.

The project focuses on experiencing music and movement. With the theme "Sound Journey" we invite the participants to get to know music from other countries and our common fantasy and to get together to make music. The project is holistic and process-oriented. Since the participants have special needs and use different communication channels, this gives everyone the opportunity to participate in their own individual way and with their own individual approach and to express themselves creatively in a variety of ways.