Besser Zusammenleben durch Musik
Indem sie Musik als universelle Sprache nutzt, um allen Menschen ein besseres Zusammenleben zu ermöglichen, stellt die Fondation EME Solidarität und Inklusion in den Mittelpunkt ihrer Mission.
Unter der Hohen Schirmherrschaft Ihrer Königlichen Hoheiten des Erbgroßherzogs und der Erbgroßherzogin.
Musik an Orte bringen, an denen sie selten zu hören ist.
Die Fondation EME setzt sich für Inklusion ein. Durch die Vielfalt ihrer Programme und der teilnehmenden Musiker möchte sie Menschen in Not in das kulturelle Leben Luxemburgs einbeziehen.
Einerseits erweitern wir die Bandbreite der kulturellen Aktivitäten in sozialen Einrichtungen. Andererseits setzen wir uns dafür ein, die Kultur- und Musiklandschaft in Luxemburg für diejenigen zugänglich zu machen, die sonst oft davon ausgeschlossen sind.
Mehr Informationen zu unserer Mission15 years EME - Teaser
Audio | Visual |
Video isn’t just about pictures, it’s also about sound. Without the audio, you would have to guess what this film is about. | A man sat at a desk starts watching a video on his computer. |
[no sound] |
The video on his computer shows a person speaking to the camera. It is playing with no audio. |
Frustrating isn’t it? Not knowing what’s going on. That’s the situation for everyone who can’t hear. | The man watching the video has a hearing aid. |
Captions make videos accessible. | He turns on captions for the video playing. |
Which is also handy for people who want to watch video in loud environments. | Another man is watching the captioned video with a group of people chatting away next to him. |
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Die Fondation EME finanziert alle Projekte und Konzerte durch Spenden.
15 years EME - Teaser
Audio | Visual |
Video isn’t just about pictures, it’s also about sound. Without the audio, you would have to guess what this film is about. | A man sat at a desk starts watching a video on his computer. |
[no sound] |
The video on his computer shows a person speaking to the camera. It is playing with no audio. |
Frustrating isn’t it? Not knowing what’s going on. That’s the situation for everyone who can’t hear. | The man watching the video has a hearing aid. |
Captions make videos accessible. | He turns on captions for the video playing. |
Which is also handy for people who want to watch video in loud environments. | Another man is watching the captioned video with a group of people chatting away next to him. |
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